Instant Win Pull-Tabs

Distributors serving bingo halls, bars, and fraternal organizations rely on Pull to Win to supply fun, innovative, customizable, and profitable instant win pull-tabs* for charitable gaming.

Pull to Win instant win pull-tab examples:

Instant Win Pull-Tabs
Instant Win Pull-Tabs
Instant Win Pull-Tabs
Instant Win Pull-Tabs
Instant Win Pull-Tabs
Instant Win Pull-Tabs
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* Also known as: pull-tab tickets, pop-opens, break-opens, instant bingo, bingo tickets, tear-offs, raffle tickets, raffle tabs, peel and win cards, peel-offs, club tickets, Nevada tickets (Nevadas), Lucky 7s, bowl games, cherry bells (cherries), jar tickets, and pickle cards (pickles)

What Is an Instant Win Pull-Tab?

Instant win pull-tabs are a multi-ply card made completely from paper with perforated break-open tabs that cover a series of numbers or symbols. Once all tabs are opened, the card is either a winner or not. Instant win pull-tabs are typically sold in bars and vending machines.

Why Source Instant Win Pull-Tabs from Pull to Win?

We know how hard it’s been to source instant win pull-tabs from traditional manufacturers that have dominated this market – until now. Pull to Win is here to make it easier and profitable for you.

Pull to Win is a division of H&H Graphics, which has printed promotional game tickets since 1978 and pull-tabs for the last 25 years.

What You Can Expect from Pull to Win

A Reliable Supplier

Experience lead times in weeks vs. months or years even for exclusives – for all of your games.


Let us know what you need:

  • Instant win, seal cards and event tickets
  • 1-pull, 3-pull and 5-pull tickets
  • Choice of game play, deal counts and payouts
  • Choice of graphics: all of which are designed by our in-house designers
  • Prize verification codes: we can print a unique alphanumeric code or QR code per ticket and supply you with the master list
  • Quality: cards that pop open quickly and are thick enough to hold up in demanding environments

A Pull-Tab Partner

If there is any other way we can help you increase your sales, customer satisfaction and profitability, let us know – we want to be your partner instead of just another vendor.